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Denver Voters Approve Issue 1A: Maintenance Fund for Streets, Parks, and City Buildings

Issue 1A will increase Denver's mill levy by 2.5 mills and raise $27 million each year to establish a dedicated stream of money to pay for preventive maintenance.
Dubbed the "stewardship issue," 1A was sold as the most critical step toward a smarter, better, more sustainable Denver - saving millions of taxpayer dollars down the road by getting the city out of the cycle of issuing bonds periodically to pay for long-neglected infrastructure.

A critical pilot project will be a model study for the Cherry Creek Corridor, from I-25/Speer Boulevard to I-225/Parker Road, designed to kick-off Denver’s “Living Streets Initiative.” The City has been accepted into the 2008 Smart Growth Implementation Assistance (SGAI) Program of the Environmental Protection Agency. Charlier Associates, Inc. serves on the EPA SGAI Team and will be providing the transportation planning services for the corridor study and Living Streets program.

The Ballot Issue
Denver Post Article
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