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Boulder Bike Summit

One hundred leaders for the Boulder bicycling community gathered in September, 2007 for a Bike Summit, an initiative of the Boulder City Council. 
A major theme of the Bike Summit was to envision a time in the future when Boulder was the number one cycling city in the world. What would Boulder look like? What would Boulder offer cyclists that other places did not? How would Boulder be known as the Bicycle Capital of the World? Who would be involved in making Boulder the Bicycle Capital of the World and what would be the responsibilities of citizens, government, community organizations, and local cyclists?

The morning was spent brainstorming about what makes Boulder a good place for biking now and what could be done better, followed by a visioning session of what would Boulder look like if it was the Bicycle Capital of the World. These major points of these discussions are shown on the left and right side of the graphic in Section II at the end of this document. Bike Summit attendees then proposed initiatives that would help achieve the vision, and worked in smaller groups to identify outcomes, quick wins, and major responsibilities. The initiatives are listed in priority order, as determined by all Summit participants, at the end of the session.

Article & Summary Document by Sue Prant

Related Document
Boulder_Bike_Summit_-_Draft_CC_Report_-_090707.pdf 346.24 KB

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